Witchery 1988 Full Movie HD

Streaming Witchery (1988) Full Movie. Witchery can be watch for free registering. Watch Witchery with HD Quality.


Watch Witchery Online Streaming

Witchery (1988)

Release : 1988-12-01
Genre : Horror
Runtime : 95 Minutes
Home Page :
IMDb Page : https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096453
Company : Filmirage
Cast : David Hasselhoff, Linda Blair, Catherine Hickland, Hildegard Knef, Annie Ross, Leslie Cumming, Robert Champagne
Tagline: It can seduce your soul
Overview : The deserted island hotel hides a dark and sinister secret. Hundreds of years ago a witch held sway there, dominating her coven and spreading an evil that has seeped deep into the earth. Two centuries later, a photographer and his virginal fiance sneak onto the island to research its gruesome history. Soon all will find themselves falling victim to a horror that has survived the ages....

Watch Witchery (1988) Full Movie. Witchery can be playing for free registering. Streaming Witchery with HD Quality.


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